Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Reason for Recession in America

Lighter Side
My previous manager was a good man giving his employees good amount of freedom at work, understanding them and mainly not yelling at them. One could always see him smile and that made everyone around him feel good. He would come down to a person and talk to him/her in a very polite manner and get things done. No doubt most of the employees liked him.

I usually used to work in the second shifts hence always used to stay late in the office. One day I was surprised to see lights on in my manager’s cabin. I looked at the clock it was 9 P.M. I thought there must be really something important going on or else he wouldn’t be staying this late. As I was thinking all these I saw a ping in my instant messenger. It was my manager. He said, “Sridhar, have you got Rs. 4000/-  with you now, I need it urgently as there will be no banks open till now I can’t go and withdraw the money.” I thought he must be in real great need or else he wouldn’t be asking me like this. I said, I don’t have that much money with me now. He asked do you have it in your bank account. I replied, yes. He then asked me do you have an internet banking account. I said yes I do have it but I have never used it before. He said no problem, can you owe me 4000 rupees.  Thinking that he is real grave need I said yes. Then he said, ok I’ll come down to your place and we’ll transfer it to my account. He also said that he will make sure that he will return me the money by tomorrow evening. I said that’s fine with me. And then he walked up to me and did the transfer himself teaching me along the way on how to do internet fund transfer. He walked away saying thanks to me and I was feeling very happy for being able to help a person in crisis and that person being my manager made me feel even more proud. Also, he being a nice guy helping him made me feel very good.

Three days passed and I didn’t hear back anything from my manager. Again the same situation repeated. This time again he was in office late night and he pinged me asking for more money. I said I only have Rs.3000/- with me He asked me to transfer it to him. I did it without any hesitation. Two days went by again and because of a political turmoil in the city I was working from home. I again got a ping from my manager requesting for money. This time I said I cannot give more than 1000/-. He said he is deep crisis and that any amount would help him. I did the transfer again but this time I was not happy. I started doubting this persons intentions now.

Month passed away and I received my salary. The very next day after my salary being credited I get a call from my manager when I’m in office asking for money. This time I’m a bit protective and started telling him that I got problems of my own. But he was not letting go of it. He swore that he would return my entire amount by the end of this week This time he was not asking for any amount, instead he was demanding Rs.5000/-. Atlast unwillingly I had to transfer it to him.
Months passed and I used to hear nothing from him regarding my money. Pressure started increasing for me at home. But I being me was hesitant to ask him. Slowly I started knowing that I was not alone most of my colleagues had fallen into the trap of my manager.
I started asking him for money but he kept saying some cock and bull story and postponing it. Fortunately one day he called me inside his cabin and returned me an amount of Rs.8000/-  and that he would be returning the remaining amount by the weekend. I was happy to get the amount  because I had lost all hopes of recovering that amount.
Suddenly one day I came to know that he was fired from the company and that he has left the city. I could see my hard earned Rs.5000/- vanishing after him.
Few weeks later I get a call from his dearest friend one of my colleague who owes me another Rs.1000/- and speaks everything with me except for the money that he owes me saying that Madhava is in banglore and might be flying to USA for a short trip.
Then there is a long silence, I don’t hear about anyone from anywhere. Suddenly I start hearing that America is again into recession and that it has lost huge money. I could only suspect one great mind behind it. If you are smart enough you should have by now known the reason why America is into recession again J


  1. LMAO.... Lesson learnt... Dont talk about money.. its nothing.. What else can you do for your boss... :D

  2. Surely, I can't shed my blood for my boss's wife.... :)


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