Monday, March 24, 2014


Below are some techniques to reclaim and strengthen happiness:

Practice Mindfulness: Live your life with more depth, contemplation, and sincere contentment. Focus on yourself and do not compare yourself with others.

Think Happy: Thoughts create feelings. And feelings behavior. Positive behavior and smiling attracts more positivity. This re-stimulates happy thoughts.

Surround Yourself With Happy People And Nurture Relationships: A beautiful trigger of happiness!

Treat Yourself Well: Spoil yourself. Respect and love yourself. Do more of what you really love and spend more time with loved ones.

Catch And Memorize Great Moments: Put the bad ones aside. Slow down to enjoy the joys of life. Write them down and read them whenever needed.

Be Active And Take Care Of Yourself: Go outside, go for a walk, do sports, etc. Learn new things. Stimulate yourself. Challenge yourself.

Set Meaningful, Achievable Targets: Be committed and take one step after another.

Help Others And Be Generous: Practice acts of kindness and learn to forgive.


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