Wednesday, November 23, 2011

There's always someone higher than us

I will start with a little story about a lion - the king of a jungle. Once a lion was walking in the forest and he came across a monkey.

He asked the monkey, “Monkey, who is the king of the jungle?”

The monkey said, “You are sir.”

“That’s right - and you never forget it!” Then he continued, and came across the snake.

“Snake! Who is the king of the jungle?!”

“You are sir.”

“That’s right - and you never forget it!”

Then he came across the elephant, “Elephant, who is the king of the jungle?” - and the elephant just walked by.

The lion got upset. “Elephant, who is the king of the jungle?!”

Elephant just ignored him. And then third time when he asked, the lion got so angry that he actually bit the elephant, and the elephant got angry himself, and took him with his trunk and smashed him several times and threw him against the trunk of a tree.

Then the lion said, “Wait, wait! You don't have to get so angry with me just because you don't know the right answer.”


Moral of the story: There is always someone higher than us.

God and a Scientist

God was sitting in heaven one day when a scientist said to Him, "God, we don't need you anymore. Science has finally figured out a way to create life out of nothing - in other words, we can now do what you did in the beginning."

"Oh, is that so? Explain..." replies God. "Well," says the scientist, "we can take dirt and form it into the likeness of you and breathe life into it, thus creating man."

"Well, that's very interesting... show Me."

So the scientist bends down to the earth and starts to mold the soil into the shape of a man. "No, no, no..." interrupts God, "Get your own dirt."

Friday, November 18, 2011

Best Words of Vivekananda

"I admire the British perseverance and the American spirit of equality. I want you to make a European society, with India’s religion. But mark you, if you give up that Spirituality, leaving it aside to go after the materialising civilisation of the West, the result will be that in three generations you will be an extinct race; because the backbone of the nation will be broken, the foundation upon which the national edifice has been built will be undermined, and the result will be annihilation all round."
- Swami Vivekananda

Reaching Divine Mother

“Little children play with dolls in the outer room just as they like, without any care of fear or restraint; but as soon as their mother comes in, they throw aside their dolls and run to her crying, "Mamma, mamma." You too, are now playing in this material world, infatuated with the dolls of wealth, honor, fame, etc., If however, you once see your Divine Mother, you will not afterwards find pleasure in all these. Throwing them all aside, you will run to her. So long as the child remains engrossed with its toys, the mother looks after her cooking and other household duties. But when the child no longer relishes the toys, it throws them aside and yells for its mother. Then the mother takes the rice-pot down from the hearth, runs in haste, and takes the child in her arms.” 
– Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa