Monday, June 6, 2011

Why Are We Like This ?

We don't want to be disturbed while we're working or when we're tensed, but we don't bother if we're disturbing others when we're happy.
Why are we like this ?

We never plant a tree or never water a planted tree, if allowed we'll be more than happy to pluck or cut down a planted tree, however we all run for a tree shade during hot summer or heavy rain.
Why are we like this ?

We never stop immediately after the signal goes red, but we expect the same to be done
by others or else we get angry and frustrated.
Why are we like this ?

We feel so proud of ourselves when we delibertly cheat others and mock at other person's
ignorance, but even if we get cheated even unknowingly, we are unable to bear it.
Why are we like this ?

We never stand or follow a queue system, but when we're at the counter and someone else
dashes us, we become uncontrollably wild.
Why are we like this ?

We want to be listened no matter what we're saying, but if the other person expects the
same we say we have no time to spare.
Why are we like this ?

We're so busy in our lives that We have no time to help others, but when we're in need we want the entire world to come running to help us.
Why are we like this ?

We're never bothered about another person's suffering or pain, but we want others to listen to our misery attentively.
Why are we like this ?


  1. Its Nice article sridhar, we always want others to be perfect rather than we being perfect.

  2. Hi Sridhar,
    You are correct,But the person who puts his shoes into the others and understand the best is real Human being.

  3. We are only human Sridhar.Some things which come from our roots can't be changed overnight.Truly said, change is the point but where to start?

  4. Excellent Article....Very True...Wonderful Questions.....

  5. Thank you all :-)

    @Srinivas: Yes that's the root of all problem, we want everyone to be perfect although we are totally imperfect.

    @Pawan: rightly said

    @Phani: no change can be done overnight, but we need to constantly improve ourseleves. Start from whereever you feel change is needed. Afterall it doesn't matter where we start, what matters more is we start.

    @Swathi: Thanx, any solutions you can provide for this ?? :-)


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