Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Mom & My Marriage Proposal

One day my mom came down to me and said; look it’s time that we start looking out a match for you so that you can get settled in your life. It’s your life and you have to decide how you want it to be.
But mom I said, “I have just started my career, I don’t' want to get married now. Let me get myself a good position, earn few money, buy myself a car and then I will go for it.
All this will happen along the way, she said becoming a little bit serious, “Marriage is not going to hamper your growth it will only make you more responsible. As I said it’s your life and you have to decide. So what do you say, I'm going for it even if you say "no".
OK mom as you say, do I have an option?
She smiled a bit, good boy she said and continued “What type of girl you want, let me know your preference so that we can search a similar girl. As I said it’s your life and you have decide for it, at the end it’s you both who are going to live together so she must match your taste, now tell me. I got happy, felt although I don't have a freedom to choose when to get married at least I got freedom to choose my kind of a girl, I started thinking for a while, suddenly mom interrupted and said "what are you thinking, what's in there so much to think, for each and everything you start thinking deeply, now tell me quick I’m waiting. So not wanting to irritate my mother any more I started...
She must be beautiful, caring, understanding, empathetic, smart, intelligent & knowledgeable. Good said my mom. This is what everyone wants mom; I would need few qualities more
Mom: Like?
Me: she should know what P=NP problem is, don’t even consider her if she asks what is it ?
Must be good at more than one language
Mom: like what HIndi, english...??
Me: No... No those are prerequisites; I'm talking about languages like java, python, php likewise
Must be a Linux enthusiast
Doesn't matter if she doesn’t like to play but a person who will listen to me eagerly on how I entered a terrorist camp all alone, killed 160 most dangerous terrorist and rescued all hostages alive in a counter strike game
One who praises me on how I build beautiful cities and administer them in Sims city or better if she builds them along with me?
I could see my mom's face change but she was silent, it was like she was thinking what this guy is talking about
but I kept going, she must have a active twitter and facebook account, doesn't matter if she don't have followers but her post and people whom she is following should be wonderful. Good if she is blogger and has a website of her own.
Should have won the four in a row game at least once “as I have won it two times" I giggled
I could see my mother’s expression change a lot, it was like she wanted to say something but didn't know what to say, but I went on,
Her favorite channels should be animal planet, NGC, discovery, pursuit of happyness, few good men should be in her favorite move list
Should not be a fan of Sharukh Khan or Hritik Roshan... bollywood and tollywood movies should not interest her much
That should do it... if I remember anything else I will let you know I said and stopped.
Mom was silent for a while, and then she said. You are not recruiting anyone for a job. We need a girl who can take care of our home and raise a family, not another animal who sits entire day before that box without knowing what’s going on at home.
Be reasonable and stop making fun of it. I said I was not joking, I'm serious and that I want such a girl.
Then you are not going to get one she interrupted furiously. I said, “but mom this is what I want....”
Stop joking everywhere seedu she said
I went silent telling to myself that was no joke.
After a bit of silence, I said ok.. Keeping the prerequisites constant i don’t' want a working girl. Good if she is a teacher rest you can ignore. I couldn't believe I just said that
Mom didn’t agree for this as well, she works or not it’s her choice we should not bother her. Also if she earns its good we get extra income if she doesn't want we don’t' want her to go. You cannot put such conditions on any one.
By this time my dad who was listening to all the conversation came down and said what he has to briefly but effectively as he always does:
He said “Real men don’t love the most beautiful & intelligent girl in the world, they love the girl who can make their world the most beautiful and make them intelligent. “
I was awestruck for few moments by that statement.
I said to mom, "Get any girl of your choice mom"
My mom was so happy; she smiled and said that's my boy..... As I keep saying it’s your life and you have to decide what you want.
Hearing that again I giggled and said to myself "yeah mom... it’s just that you’re the driver of it"

Note: Please all of you reading this don't come to me asking are you going to get married, no its not, this is just a creation out of my imagination. Just felt this is what happens in many indian families hence this article:-)


  1. Hi Sridhar,
    Very Impressive post. you can also choose this topic nam like "Whats your choice to select a life Partner" :-)

  2. Wow..wonderful post...Awesome..Nice imagination and hope it comes true....:) :)

  3. Thanks Anonymous...


    Thanks, well I hope it doesn't ;)

  4. so, atlast e amyini tiskocharu mi mom ? :P

  5. Awesum post Sridhar. You got very gud stuff in ur skull candy(hehe BRAIN) ;)


  6. @Vinni oka kothi pilla ni patukovocharu.. naku adey correct anta :-(

  7. Mi Mom chala baga cheparu Iyer...niku adhe corect !! :p

  8. Thats a superb post of urs !!.... very creative and meaningful ..... :)

  9. neeku telusa kothi pilla natho undaledani divorce case file chesindi... :-(

  10. U have scared me for a moment, I started thinking too...

    Just a brain wave, What if you really find a girl with the same Resume ;) .. and she has her own list... will you change and start working on it?

    A Geek Girl

  11. Awesome imagination Sridharuuu...


  12. Nice question Geek Girl, well I would be more than happy to find a geek in any subject other than politics. Ofcourse I might not change my interests but sure will learn something about that particular subject so that I can strike an interesting conversation with her :-)

  13. ha ha ha...
    happy married life... :):):)

  14. Sridhar Neeku Pelli Kalla vachesindi ra...aina ammaiylu computer games lo chese heriocs artham kavura...anyways neeku oka geek greek devatha dorakalani prarthisthunna...

  15. thanks ra pandi :)

    Ajax, Aphrodite emantav ;)

  16. connect ni katnam lo include cheyadam marchipoyavanukunta.

  17. suki.. nuvu rasindi neeku ardam avutey naku antey chalu :)

  18. gr8 imagination, very good . nijanga atuvanti ammayi doriketena ...... inka nenu 24 hours games adutanemo.

    sukhdev nuvvu edagali raa inka......

  19. Marriages would get so much simple and easier , if people started thinking like the DAD in this post.-Aparna


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